14. Karst tracer testing project

Aim: Improve water quality

Water body: Upper River Colne
Project description

Aim: Better understand chalk aquifer function and quality


Project description

The University of Leeds, Environment Agency, British Geological Survey and Affinity Water have all co-funded a PhD study into the impact of micro-karstic flow on Chalk aquifer function and water quality.  

This research has involved catchment-scale groundwater tracer tests using harmless bacteriophage and dye tracers in the southern chalk aquifer to determine flow paths, travel times and levels of dilution and dispersion from surface karst features such as stream sinks (swallow holes) in the Mimmshall Brook, Essendon and Upper River Colne catchments to chalk groundwater abstractions and springs in the Lea Valley.

The tests have been able to: i) identify vulnerable groundwater abstractions; ii) aid catchment management by identifying high-risk surface karst features and more effectively focus funded measures to protect groundwater abstractions; iii) inform catchment-scale groundwater models; and iv) further delineate the karst network in this region of the southern chalk.

Project lead: University of Leeds
Project partners: Affinity Water, Environment Agency, British Geological Survey
Contact for more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Project start: March 2020
Project end: August 2024
Funding source: University of Leeds , Environment Agency , British Geological Survey, Affinity Water

Design by LTD Design Consultants and build by Garganey Consulting. From an original concept by the Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust.