16. Reedbed restoration at Maple Lodge Nature Reserve
Aim: Improve wildlife corridors
Water body: Marsh Lake
Project description
- Clear scrub and bindweed and dig out the whole area to the left of the Bittern Channel, creating a large pool in front of Mike Foulkes’ Hide, creating a wader area for a few years until it reverts to a healthy reedbed. The spoil to be used to create a Kingfisher bank to the left of the hide.
- Re-dig out the ditch that runs to the right of the Bittern Channel and use the spoil to build up the Bittern Channel.
- Re-dig the pond in front of Sanctuary Hide.
- Dig out a bay in front of Rotunda Hide as far forward as possible to hold back the reedbed encroachment and bring water right back up to the hide. Spoil to be used to raise the boardwalk and thus replace it.