10. Invasive non-native plant control strategy

Aims: Involve people with their local waterbodies; Work together

Water body: River Colne
Project description

Strategy to control or irradicate non-native invasive plant species from the Upper Colne.

Giant Hogweed Control

2019 Update

Walkovers of the Radlett Brook by Community Connections Projects CIC and EA staff in April & June have resulted in the removal of nearlay 250 Hogweed plants.

December 2023 Update from Sandy Belloni Community Connections Projects CIC

Twice yearly walkovers of the Radlett Brook and the Ver at Park Street are ongoing with manual removals resulting in less than 10 year 1 and 2 plants cleared this year on the Radlett Brook and 38 at Park Street. New infestations were found last year at Welham Green (landowner now established) 800 plants were dug out this year, last year seeding heads were bagged and left to solarise and landowner agrees works need to be done on ongoing basis. Giant Hogweed was also found and cleared at Wash Lane Common by South Mimms Services, with much more work needed in this area and in checking nearby locations and establishing landowner interest/action. Also working with Highways England on infestations by Elstree Road and A41/M1 in this location, with over 300 plants cleared by me this year (some sprayed) and walkover undertaken with Highways Agency to get control actions committed to.

Project lead: Community Connection Projects CIC
Project partners: Watford Borough Council
Contact for more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Project start: May 2016

Design by LTD Design Consultants and build by Garganey Consulting. From an original concept by the Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust. Hosting by Stablepoint