13. Black Park Alder Carr

Aim: Improve wildlife corridors

Water body: Stream, Black Park
Project description

Habitat enhancements in the Alder Carr to slow drying out of the wet woodland Site of Special Scientific Interest.

Works included:

Birch trees to the west of the stream were felled with timber left on site as deadwood habitat. Larger birch trees were winched over pulling the root-ball out of the ground and creating several depressions for water to collect in.

Stands of invasive Bamboo to the west of the stream were removed. A large stand of invasive Rhododendron on the south west edge of the site was removed.

Several channels were dug to divert water into low lying areas to the west of the stream.

The gravel path and underlying geotextile membrane along the bank of the stream was removed. This will allow water to move more freely through the site.

Planting of aquatic species protected by wire mesh netting. One large and long Coir roll limits the extent of the reedbed. This roll is also impregnated with various native aquatic species, which in turn is also protected by mesh.

Project lead: Groundwork South
Project partners: Buckinghamshire County Council
Project start: 2009
Project end: 2012
Funding source: SITA Trust

Design by LTD Design Consultants and build by Garganey Consulting. From an original concept by the Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust. Hosting by Stablepoint