11. Floating Pennywort removal, Denham
Aim: Control invasive non-native species
Water body: River Colne
Project description
Programme to remove Floating Pennywort from the Colne at Denham
Floating Pennywort is an invasive species that was first naturalised in 1990 as a result of discarded plants from garden ponds. It can grow up to 20cm per day and may quickly dominate a waterbody forming thick mats and impeding water flow and amenity use. May out-compete native species by blocking out light, causing deoxygenation, obstructing air breathing insects from reaching the water surface and reducing water temperatures.
Update 2023: Buckinghamshire Council has secured funding from HS2 for habitat and access improvements at Denham Country Park. This 2-year project will start in 2024 and will include invasive species control.
Project lead: Environment Agency
Funding source: Environment Agency