1. Boug's Meadow - Channel restoration
Aims: Involve people with their local waterbodies; Improve wildlife corridors; Manage flow
Water body: River Misbourne
Project description
An opportunity for flood alleviation, access improvement and education through removal of an existing culvert, realignment of the river channel and installation of a footbridge.
Boug's Meadow is managed as a wildlife site by Prestwood Nature. The R. Misbourne flows from North to South through the meadow as a winterbourne. At the northern end of the site the river enters a short, brick culvert before a sharp s-bend in the channel. The small culvert is in poor state of repair and is beginning to collapse. This, in conjunction with the sharp bend in the river, causes the fields immediately upstream to flood. There is an opportunity to replace this culvert with a wooden footbridge and to ease the bend in the river channel to prevent flooding in the future. The adjacent, publicly accessible meadow presents an ideal location for an appropriate interpretation panel to raise public awareness of the river and its history.