13. Invasive non-native plant control strategy
Aims: Control invasive non-native species; Improve wildlife corridors; Work together
Water body: River Chess
Project description
Strategy to control or eradicate non-native invasive plant species from the Chess Valley led by the Chilterns Chalk Streams Project.
The Chilterns Chalk Streams Project carried out a survey of invasive non-native plant species along the R. Chess in 2007. This baseline survey informed the development of a strategy to identify, control and eradicate such species from the Chess catchment. Working together with partners and landowners the strategy has led to the successful control of over 450 square metres of Japanese Knotweed by Chesham Town Council and is on the verge of eradication of Himalayan Balsam along the entire river.
For further information on invasive weed control in the Chess valley see Chesham Town Council's website.