1. River Pinn Restoration Project

Aim: Improve wildlife corridors

Water body: River Pinn
Project description

Creation of two backwaters on an areas where a meander and a backwater used to be prior channel modification.


The ecological value of the land has been reduced as the river banks straighten and deepen, leaving little support for marginal vegetation. The new backwaters provided a new and important wetland area for amphibians, aquatic invertebrates and spawning fish which improved the ecological value of the land.  

The river is mostly enclosed by trees. Countryside and Conservation Group, Friends of Eastcote House Garden and River Pinn Volunteers along with LBH Officers are managing scrub along the River Pinn during their monthly working parties. The reduction of the tree canopy through coppicing/pollarding would allow more light to penetrate to the river banks, encouraging wetland plants establishment and resulting in bank stabilisation. Openings along the river and new backwaters contribute to the general landscape of the site and provide a positive use of the land and a peaceful place for people to relax and enjoy their local environment. 


A small section of steep river bank have been reprofiled and a river dipping platform has been constructed to create a safe, gradual approach to the river for environment educational purposes such as 'kicks-sampling' and fun 'river days'.


Project lead: London Borough of Hillingdon
Project partners: Groundwork South, Friends of Eastcote House Gardens
Contact for more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Project start: Feb 2014
Project end: Oct 2014
Funding source:

Design by LTD Design Consultants and build by Garganey Consulting. From an original concept by the Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust. Hosting by Stablepoint