11. Kingfisher Gardens Fish Pass
Involve people with their local waterbodies; Improve wildlife corridors
Installation of fish and eel passes at Thorney Mill weir on the River Colne Brook. The successfully modified weir uses a baffle pass design. This involves precisely positioning rectangular baffles across the weir to increase water depth and reduce velocity in addition to providing resting locations for fish attempting to traverse the structure.

More Information
Fish passage
Fish highways, April 2019
21. Butts Pond, Staines Moor: habitat improvement
Improve wildlife corridors; Work together
The pools at Butts Pond are on the Staines Moor SSSI and close to the Colne, the Wraysbury River and the Yeoveney Ditch. As out-of-channel pools they are particularly valuable as breeding sites for amphibia and insects. Volunteers regularly remove vegetation such as bulrush (Typha latifolia) from the pools to allow in light and maintain open water.
14. Lower Mill Farm weir
Manage flow
The weir structure at Lower Mill farm was the first impassable barrier to many fish entering the Colne system from the Thames.
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13. West Drayton Mill
Improve wildlife corridors; Manage flow
Lower impoundment and create bypass channel and in-channel enhancements.
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12. Harmondsworth Moor boardwalk
Involve people with their local waterbodies
New boardwalk to provide alternative route for the Colne Valley Trail across Harmondsworth Moor Country Park
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10. Colne Valley Trail - section 3
Involve people with their local waterbodies
Create section 3 of the Colne Valley Trail from West Drayton to Staines.
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9. Arthur Jacob Nature Reserve
Improve wildlife corridors
Habitats and accessability improved at the Arthur Jacob Nature Reserve beside the Colne Brook.
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8. Trout Lane
Involve people with their local waterbodies
Improve the appearance, accessability and landscape of Trout lane as a gateway to the Colne Valley Park from West Drayton.
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7. River Signage
Involve people with their local waterbodies
Improve signage of rivers to raise awareness of local rivers and how they relate to the landscape.
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6. Mouth of the Colne
Involve people with their local waterbodies
Create a sense of place through reducing signage clutter, installing interpretative/artwork and landscaping. Develop as distinctive destination in the Colne Valley Park.
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5. Habitat enhancement in the Lower Colne
Improve wildlife corridors
Preventing Water Voles from Becoming Extinct in the Colne Valley and Angling and Nature Coservation.
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4. Rivers around runways
Involve people with their local waterbodies
River enhancements including tree walks to the River Colne near Longford immediately to the west of Heathrow Airport
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3. Crown Meadow
Involve people with their local waterbodies; Improve wildlife corridors
Following completion of tree works to enhance habitat in 2013, a new river improvement project took place on the Horton Brook in October 2019.
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2. Wraysbury mud wharves
Involve people with their local waterbodies; Improve wildlife corridors
Improvements to a stretch of historical river bank and footpath to improve access, biodiversity and raise awareness of the areas heritage as an area where parishioners have the right to cut reed and throw mud!
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1. Harmondsworth Moor river enhancements
Improve wildlife corridors
Tree management along the riverbanks to create areas of light and shade, protected areas for fish fry and install natural flow deflectors to improve biodiversity in and along the river bank .
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Project status
Potential: Opportunity identified, further consultation required
Planned: Consultation, costing and/or fundraising in process
Ongoing: Project currently being implemented
Completed: Project finished