Works to the River Pinn in Eastcote includes creation of two backwaters in areas where a meander and a backwater used to be prior to channel modification (carried out in the 1930's).  Planting of wetland plants will be taking place on Saturday 27th September.

This section of the River Pinn has unnaturally steep banks with very little habitat diversity. This degradation is a result of channel modification through widening, deepening and straightening. The backwaters will benefit the spawning of fish and fresh water invertebrates as well as reptiles, such as the grass snake and common lizard, and will provide a positive use of the land and a peaceful place for people to relax and enjoy their local environment.


Additional works include re-profiling of a small section of steep river bank and the construction of a dipping platform to create a safe, gradual approach to the river for environmental education purposes such as Kick Sampling and Fun River Days.


Local volunteers have been managing scrub along river banks during their monthly working parties and this will allow more light to penetrate the river banks which will encourage wetland plants ro establish tand ultimately aid bank stabilisation. To complete this project which was funded by the Big Green Grant in partnership with London Borough of Hillingdon, Groundwork South and local volunteer groups, planting of wetland plants will be taking place on Saturday 27th September.  Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further details.


Design by LTD Design Consultants and build by Garganey Consulting. From an original concept by the Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust. Hosting by Stablepoint