The Environment Agency is seeking your views on an application from Majestic Trees Ltd to licence their previously exempt abstraction activity.

 The deadline to comment on the application is 9th July 2020.

Majestic Trees Ltd have been abstracting water for the previously exempt activity of trickle irrigation. The legislation governing those who abstract for certain exempt activities changed on 1st January 2018. Abstractors had until 31st December 2019, which has been extended to 31st June 2020, to apply for a licence. 

After the applications have been received, the Environment Agency has a further 3 years to determine these applications. We are currently determining any applications for the Colne Abstraction Licensing Strategy (ALS) area, which includes the River Ver catchment. 

The application is to abstract water as follows:

  • 6 cubic metres an hour
  • 144 cubic metres a day
  • 23,520 cubic metres a year
  • between 1 March and 30 November inclusive in each year.

The water will be used for storage for subsequent trickle irrigation.

Design by LTD Design Consultants and build by Garganey Consulting. From an original concept by the Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust. Hosting by Stablepoint