Signing the Colne Valley Charter
MP's signed the Colne Valley charter last week in support of the Colne Valley Regional Park.
Loosely based on the Magna Carta, the Colne Valley Charter acknowledges that "…the Colne Valley Regional Park exists for the health of our souls and those of our ancestors and heirs….." and presents a vision for the Colne Valley as "....high quality countryside, waterscapes, villages, green spaces and other amenities that provide a regionally significant destination for recreational, sporting, educational and cultural pursuits....."
2015 is the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta and the 50th anniversary of the Colne Valley Park. Some people think that the Magna Carta may have actually been sealed on the north side of the Thames at Ankerwycke in what is now the Colne Valley Park.
Cheryl Gillan MP, Kwasi Kwarteng MP and Fiona Mactaggart MP signed the Charter on Monday. Dominic Grieve MP, Nick Hurd MP signed the Charter on friday alongside Martin Tett - the Leader of Bucks County Council and Richard Skehens - the Chairman of the Colne Valley Park CIC.