Partnership between ReAP and ColneCAN enables aquatic plastic littering our local waterways to be recycled.

There's a lot of litter despoiling our local rivers. Its amazing to see local volunteers and groups litter picking, but all too often this rubbish is then incinerated. ColneCAN's partnership with ReAP enables us to go one better than that. As demonstrated by this event organised by Tony Booker who is a trustee or ReAP-UK and has set up a local ReAP hub which enables aquatic litter to be sorted, collected, stored and then transported to Hull where it is recycled and repurposed. This particular litter pick took place on 12th September and was a joint event between ReAP-UK ( & ColneCAN working in partnership with the Environment Agency on litter clearance on the Colne Brook near Wraysbury - part of the Colne Catchment. The fouled, low quality plastic, normally destined for landfill or incineration can be transformed into products such as the owl box in the photo.

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More Information

Recovery and Recycling of Aquatic Plastic


Design by LTD Design Consultants and build by Garganey Consulting. From an original concept by the Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust.